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We aim to develop independent, creative writers who can apply their skills across the curriculum. Our children will develop into confident writers who build on their skills throughout each journey of writing. Throughout this journey, we ensure all children are immersed in a range of genres and have a clear understanding of purpose.

Our learners will have a clear understanding of the intended impact of writing and the skills/tools to carefully select vocabulary with consideration to the desired effect on the reader. Our children are challenged and encouraged to take risks and create themes throughout their writing as another part of the learning process.  



Children take part in daily English sessions which use a text or visual literacy as a stimulus and a range of writing outcomes are produced based on these.  Our English lessons incorporate a range of text types; grammar development and Oracy to support weekly writing sessions. Vocabulary development is an integral part of our English lessons and children have the opportunity to develop new vocabulary and apply this in context. Shared writing takes place using an initiate, model, enable approach to allow the children to develop their creativity and learn from each other. Children also have the opportunity to edit and improve their work through conferencing with their teacher.  



Our children will be independent creative writers who can apply their skills across the curriculum. They will engage in a wide range of writing experiences and be equipped with the essential skills needed to become well-rounded citizens. 



·      Whole school writing events e.g. 'Down on the farm' 

·      Opportunities to have their writing published